1 00:00:00,470 --> 00:00:02,530 Digital Identity Lab 2 00:00:02,738 --> 00:00:04,548 goes out 3 00:00:10,208 --> 00:00:12,288 for a round of Goose Board 4 00:00:14,672 --> 00:00:15,402 Eight 5 00:00:15,732 --> 00:00:17,582 Cookies ok? Yes? Ok. 6 00:00:17,749 --> 00:00:19,159 Just to know more about you 7 00:00:19,159 --> 00:00:20,269 ... are cookies ok? 8 00:00:20,269 --> 00:00:21,529 Sure. Completely fine. 9 00:00:22,507 --> 00:00:23,937 Are cookies ok? 10 00:00:24,905 --> 00:00:26,305 Cookies ok? 11 00:00:26,305 --> 00:00:27,856 Yeah, are cookies ok? 12 00:00:27,896 --> 00:00:29,106 Occasionally. 13 00:00:29,136 --> 00:00:31,546 Occasionally? But in this case? 14 00:00:31,546 --> 00:00:32,926 Doesn't really matter. 15 00:00:32,996 --> 00:00:35,226 What are cookies, really? 16 00:00:35,501 --> 00:00:37,661 I kind of know what they are, 17 00:00:37,661 --> 00:00:39,241 but I can never quite remember. 18 00:00:39,260 --> 00:00:40,650 I have been told loads of times. 19 00:00:40,650 --> 00:00:41,540 They're... they're. 20 00:00:41,540 --> 00:00:42,750 Can you tell me what cookies are? 21 00:00:42,879 --> 00:00:44,529 They're bits of information... 22 00:00:46,209 --> 00:00:48,219 that, it's like, your computer 23 00:00:48,219 --> 00:00:50,109 would kind of hold onto from that site 24 00:00:50,109 --> 00:00:51,639 or something? I can't remember. 25 00:00:51,658 --> 00:00:53,838 I have no idea what it is. 26 00:00:54,176 --> 00:00:55,456 Ok, now we'll really get started 27 00:00:55,456 --> 00:00:56,876 with our Digital Identity Goose Board. 28 00:00:57,098 --> 00:00:58,628 Ok, today we have 29 00:00:58,628 --> 00:01:00,408 a round of Goose Board. 30 00:01:01,323 --> 00:01:02,043 Tinder! 31 00:01:02,043 --> 00:01:04,177 This, Nicole, is your personal... 32 00:01:04,177 --> 00:01:06,607 these are the attributes of your identity. 33 00:01:07,490 --> 00:01:09,260 And the question is... 34 00:01:09,260 --> 00:01:10,630 take this stack of cards, 35 00:01:10,630 --> 00:01:12,320 quickly go through it, and... 36 00:01:12,320 --> 00:01:14,240 show us the information you gave to Tinder 37 00:01:14,402 --> 00:01:16,822 What does Tinder want to know about you? 38 00:01:17,103 --> 00:01:18,603 Your sexual orientation, yeah. 39 00:01:19,603 --> 00:01:21,293 Ok, so you go on Tinder and 40 00:01:21,293 --> 00:01:22,933 you let them know where you live, 41 00:01:22,933 --> 00:01:24,163 what your hair colour is, 42 00:01:24,412 --> 00:01:25,282 your age, 43 00:01:25,503 --> 00:01:26,623 your eye colour, 44 00:01:26,623 --> 00:01:27,683 your gender, 45 00:01:27,683 --> 00:01:29,033 your sexual orientation, 46 00:01:29,033 --> 00:01:30,293 your name (obviously), 47 00:01:30,293 --> 00:01:31,483 a photo of your face, 48 00:01:31,483 --> 00:01:32,413 your height, 49 00:01:32,413 --> 00:01:34,183 and what type of music you listen to? 50 00:01:34,183 --> 00:01:34,763 Yeah. 51 00:01:34,763 --> 00:01:36,273 You put all of that on there? 52 00:01:36,759 --> 00:01:37,459 Netflix. 53 00:01:37,488 --> 00:01:39,218 Netflix! You watch Netflix? 54 00:01:39,218 --> 00:01:40,008 Of course. 55 00:01:40,008 --> 00:01:40,918 Of course? 56 00:01:40,918 --> 00:01:42,588 Yeah. Just give me the whole stack. 57 00:01:42,740 --> 00:01:43,780 What information 58 00:01:43,780 --> 00:01:45,180 would you share with Netflix? 59 00:01:45,608 --> 00:01:47,008 Friends? No. 60 00:01:47,008 --> 00:01:47,998 Children? No. 61 00:01:48,834 --> 00:01:49,884 Sorry, wait. 62 00:01:49,884 --> 00:01:52,054 You might not have children, 63 00:01:52,054 --> 00:01:53,364 but if you did 64 00:01:53,364 --> 00:01:55,925 then you'd make accounts for them, right? 65 00:01:56,834 --> 00:01:58,664 Yeah, ok. A family account. 66 00:01:58,664 --> 00:01:59,884 Take this one, too, then. 67 00:02:01,970 --> 00:02:03,740 Yeah, and what shows I watch. 68 00:02:03,740 --> 00:02:04,660 That seems logical. 69 00:02:05,691 --> 00:02:06,691 Pornos, I don't watch 70 00:02:06,706 --> 00:02:07,706 No pornos? 71 00:02:07,722 --> 00:02:08,602 No, yeah? 72 00:02:08,602 --> 00:02:09,532 I hope not. 73 00:02:09,532 --> 00:02:10,232 No. 74 00:02:11,965 --> 00:02:13,605 Is that everything? 75 00:02:14,629 --> 00:02:16,609 This one, my location, definitely. Right? 76 00:02:16,609 --> 00:02:17,309 Yeah. 77 00:02:18,185 --> 00:02:20,055 And what about sexual orientation? 78 00:02:20,055 --> 00:02:22,125 Do you think they could infer this one? 79 00:02:22,288 --> 00:02:25,718 Yeah, maybe make an educated guess? 80 00:02:26,883 --> 00:02:29,383 What information does the NS have on you? 81 00:02:29,615 --> 00:02:30,975 My address, yeah of course. 82 00:02:31,325 --> 00:02:33,175 My bank account number? Yeah. 83 00:02:33,737 --> 00:02:35,147 My age? Also yes. 84 00:02:35,436 --> 00:02:36,436 My name. 85 00:02:36,711 --> 00:02:38,081 Photos of my face? 86 00:02:38,081 --> 00:02:39,101 Yes, of course. 87 00:02:39,101 --> 00:02:39,951 Absolutely. 88 00:02:39,951 --> 00:02:40,909 Eye colour? 89 00:02:40,909 --> 00:02:42,569 They can see that from the photo. 90 00:02:42,569 --> 00:02:43,579 From the photo. 91 00:02:43,579 --> 00:02:44,939 My height? Ummm... 92 00:02:45,472 --> 00:02:47,212 Where I am right now? 93 00:02:48,573 --> 00:02:49,313 Yeah? 94 00:02:50,027 --> 00:02:51,797 They know where you check out, right? 95 00:02:51,797 --> 00:02:53,007 Yeah, of course. 96 00:02:53,007 --> 00:02:54,827 What are you going to do this weekend? 97 00:02:54,988 --> 00:02:56,998 No, but I don't travel on the weekend. 98 00:02:57,082 --> 00:02:59,032 What does Google know about you? 99 00:02:59,750 --> 00:03:01,920 They know way, way too much about me. 100 00:03:02,365 --> 00:03:05,205 I share my location with Google, yeah. 101 00:03:08,726 --> 00:03:09,586 Google. 102 00:03:09,681 --> 00:03:12,211 What does Google know about you? 103 00:03:12,404 --> 00:03:13,834 Uh, too much, I think. 104 00:03:15,034 --> 00:03:17,424 My address? Yeah, Google has that. 105 00:03:17,424 --> 00:03:18,864 Your social security number? 106 00:03:18,864 --> 00:03:19,744 Yeah, yeah. 107 00:03:19,744 --> 00:03:21,014 You think they have that? 108 00:03:21,014 --> 00:03:22,164 Possibly, yeah, but... 109 00:03:22,164 --> 00:03:24,624 You think they have that? Google? 110 00:03:24,624 --> 00:03:26,734 Well, maybe that's a bit of a stretch. 111 00:03:26,792 --> 00:03:29,042 What do you share with Twitter? 112 00:03:29,124 --> 00:03:30,784 My medical information? 113 00:03:30,784 --> 00:03:31,534 No. 114 00:03:31,534 --> 00:03:33,204 You don't say that on Twitter? 115 00:03:33,204 --> 00:03:33,924 No. 116 00:03:35,026 --> 00:03:36,486 Your opinion on Black Pete? 117 00:03:36,722 --> 00:03:37,422 No. 118 00:03:37,422 --> 00:03:38,872 I have no opinion. 119 00:03:39,799 --> 00:03:40,889 So, Twitter. 120 00:03:40,889 --> 00:03:42,579 Marleen, you go on Twitter 121 00:03:42,579 --> 00:03:44,949 and this is the stack of information 122 00:03:44,949 --> 00:03:46,609 that you've given to them. 123 00:03:46,747 --> 00:03:47,947 Do you think it's normal 124 00:03:47,947 --> 00:03:49,037 to share so much data? 125 00:03:49,309 --> 00:03:50,939 I find it worrying that they share 126 00:03:50,939 --> 00:03:52,399 it with third parties. 127 00:03:52,399 --> 00:03:53,879 Does that happen, you think? 128 00:03:53,879 --> 00:03:54,599 Yeah. 129 00:03:55,815 --> 00:03:57,695 Yeah, I find that very worrying. 130 00:03:57,695 --> 00:03:58,845 You find it worrying? 131 00:03:58,845 --> 00:04:01,165 Yeah, it's really terrible. 132 00:04:01,329 --> 00:04:02,039 Ok. 133 00:04:04,213 --> 00:04:06,133 I don't find it that worrying. 134 00:04:06,133 --> 00:04:07,133 I use it for work. 135 00:04:07,203 --> 00:04:08,233 It's handy that 136 00:04:08,233 --> 00:04:09,673 people can find my business 137 00:04:10,222 --> 00:04:11,722 so I don't think it's that bad. 138 00:04:11,722 --> 00:04:13,292 You don't find it that worrying? 139 00:04:13,292 --> 00:04:14,682 You think, “Oh, they can just 140 00:04:14,682 --> 00:04:16,112 know this about me.” 141 00:04:16,112 --> 00:04:17,272 Even your personal data? 142 00:04:17,272 --> 00:04:18,242 Why is that? 143 00:04:19,018 --> 00:04:20,248 This sort of thing, 144 00:04:20,248 --> 00:04:23,068 I just don't find particularly harmful. 145 00:04:24,782 --> 00:04:27,192 No. Otherwise, you have no work. 146 00:04:27,392 --> 00:04:28,092 No. 147 00:04:28,444 --> 00:04:30,434 Ok. Well, clearly. 148 00:04:31,280 --> 00:04:33,150 On the whole, I kinda go, 149 00:04:33,720 --> 00:04:35,730 which may be completely stupid, 150 00:04:35,840 --> 00:04:37,430 this must be kind of safe. 151 00:04:37,510 --> 00:04:38,580 Otherwise, people just 152 00:04:38,580 --> 00:04:39,582 wouldn't be doing it. 153 00:04:39,582 --> 00:04:41,112 You're very optimistic about it. 154 00:04:41,112 --> 00:04:42,382 Very optimistic about it. 155 00:04:42,462 --> 00:04:43,933 You don't find it worrying 156 00:04:43,933 --> 00:04:45,843 that you've shared all this information? 157 00:04:45,843 --> 00:04:47,673 That it's then online on the internet? 158 00:04:47,673 --> 00:04:49,113 No, I have no problem with it. 159 00:04:49,113 --> 00:04:50,043 No problem with it? 160 00:04:50,043 --> 00:04:50,753 No. 161 00:04:50,753 --> 00:04:52,733 I don't know much about it. 162 00:04:52,733 --> 00:04:54,433 I think if you knew the full extent 163 00:04:54,433 --> 00:04:56,203 then you'd really be more concerned. 164 00:04:56,203 --> 00:04:57,373 Maybe so, but 165 00:04:57,373 --> 00:04:59,613 realistically I don't have any personal 166 00:04:59,613 --> 00:05:00,433 disadvantage from it. 167 00:05:00,433 --> 00:05:02,293 And I don't see how that could happen. 168 00:05:02,885 --> 00:05:04,121 But you also do that. 169 00:05:04,121 --> 00:05:06,631 I just hope no one can connect it to me. 170 00:05:06,949 --> 00:05:08,169 This is quite a stack. 171 00:05:08,169 --> 00:05:09,809 It's a lot about you, huh? 172 00:05:09,939 --> 00:05:12,269 How does it feel that Albert Hejin 173 00:05:12,269 --> 00:05:14,499 knows all this about you? 174 00:05:15,479 --> 00:05:17,359 I mostly think it's normal. 175 00:05:17,359 --> 00:05:18,759 But I think that's because 176 00:05:18,759 --> 00:05:20,169 I've become accustomed to it. 177 00:05:20,169 --> 00:05:21,019 Accustomed to it? 178 00:05:21,019 --> 00:05:21,739 Yeah. 179 00:05:21,779 --> 00:05:23,929 This is a lot about you, huh? 180 00:05:23,929 --> 00:05:24,699 Yeah. 181 00:05:24,699 --> 00:05:26,659 You guys wanna play some Goose Board? 182 00:05:26,659 --> 00:05:27,669 Uh, no. It's alright. 183 00:05:27,669 --> 00:05:29,609 It's a traditional Dutch game. 184 00:05:29,609 --> 00:05:30,449 Thank you! 185 00:05:30,449 --> 00:05:31,799 It's very important to know. 186 00:05:31,799 --> 00:05:32,819 As part of your trip. 187 00:05:33,019 --> 00:05:34,969 Interested in a round of Goose Board? 188 00:05:34,969 --> 00:05:36,746 Download our open-source edition 189 00:05:36,746 --> 00:05:40,086 via digitaleidentiteit.waag.org